Agent file sharing provides a way for agents and bots to share files with a consumer. This article explains how to set up this feature.
After file sharing is set up, you can share photos and other supported file types with consumers. (See the limitations section below for more details).
This article explains how to set up this feature for our modern Messaging engagement platform. Before you can set up this feature, therefore, you need to set up Messaging.
You also need to have us enable the file sharing feature for your account. To request this, contact support and they will make the back end change to your account settings. Afterwards you may proceed with the steps below.
How to Set Up File Sharing for Messaging
To enable file sharing, there are three steps you must take from the Engagement Portal.
To access the Engagement Portal, first go to the Live Assist Admin Center. Then from the Links menu, click on Engagement Portal. (Learn more).
Step 1: Enable the file sharing feature in Night Vision
- Click the Night Vision icon in the top right corner. (It is the icon marked with an annotated red 3 circle in the screenshot below).
- A list of settings will be displayed on the Night Vision dashboard. Find the File sharing section and click the Edit button.
- Turn on the Agent file sharing enabled option to enable the feature and then click Save.
Step 2: Enable file sharing permissions for the Agent Profile
The agent file-sharing capability is permission-based. After the back-end enablement of the file-sharing feature on your account, new permissions are added to the Agent profile. These are:
- Send files to consumers from the local file browser
- Send files to consumers from custom widgets
These permissions are disabled by default. You need to enable these permissions in order for file sharing to work.
- On the left panel of the Engagement Portal, go to Manage and then Users and Skills.
- Go to the Profiles tab and then click on Agent.
- Enable the permissions Send files to consumers from the local file browser & Send files to consumers from custom widgets and then click the Save button.
Step 3: Activate the file sharing feature from the Management Console
- On the left panel of the Engagement Portal, go to Manage and then to Management Console.
- Type "File Sharing" in the search bar and then search. Open File Sharing from the search results.
- The feature is not activated by default. Click on the Click to activate button to enable this feature in the Management Console.
- Confirm the activation process by clicking the Yes, activate button.
- The feature is now enabled in the system.
Using the File-sharing feature
- In an ongoing conversation, click on the paper clip icon in the agent widget to share a file with the consumer.
- The local file browser dialog will open. Choose the file that you want to share.
- The attachment will be presented in the agent widget. You can add a caption before sending the file. Click the paper plane icon if the file is ready to be sent.
- Once sent, the file will be shown on the Agent Widget as well as on the consumer side and is ready for download.
Agent Side
Consumer Side
- The customer may view the shared file.
- Supported file types: JPEG, JPG, PNG, GIF, PDF, DOCx, XLSx, PPTx.
- The capability is currently supported only on Web Messaging, Apple Messages for Business, and WhatsApp Business.
- The file size is currently limited to 5MB.
- Authenticated consumers who receive a file from an agent over the web will see an empty line in the native app if the file is sent without a caption or only the caption.