Note: This article explains a data & reporting feature for our legacy Live Chat platform. It does not apply to our modern Messaging platform, which has different data & reporting features. We are working on new articles explaining the capable data & reporting features in Messaging. In the meantime, if you are trying to learn about Messaging data & reporting features, see these articles from our partner LivePerson.
The Campaign Data Bar at the account level provides a snapshot of how all of the campaigns in your account are performing. The following metrics allow you to track their effectiveness.
The number of monitored visitors in the website. The figure includes returning visitors.
Represents the number of visits in which visitors are eligible to receive at least one graphical engagement (either invitation, button or content) from any campaign. This figure includes the control group, if defined. Visitors that are included in the control group at the account level do not see any engagements at all.
Represents the number of graphical engagements that are displayed to the visitors, for example, buttons, invitations and content.
Represents the number of interactive chats and clicks on content.
Primary KPI: Represents the number of conversion goals that were reached by visitors exposed to campaigns (regardless if they engaged or not).
Secondary KPI (appears only when a control group has been defined): Inc. conversions: Represents the number of conversion goals that were generated as a result of exposure to campaigns, and would not have occurred without any exposure.
On hover:
Conversion lift: (appears only when a control group has been defined):
Represents the percentage of conversion goals that were generated as a result of exposure to campaigns, and would not have occurred without any exposure.
Primary KPI: Revenues generated by visitors exposed to campaigns (regardless if they engaged or not).
Secondary KPI: (appears only when a control group has been defined)
Incr. Revenues: Represents the revenues generated as a result of exposure to campaigns, and would not have occurred without any exposure.
On hover: (appears only when a control group has been defined)
Revenue Lift: Represents the percentage of revenues generated as a result of exposure to campaigns, and would not have occurred without any exposure.
To measure the effectiveness of your entire program, and calculate the lift in revenue that results from all of your campaigns, we need to know how much additional revenue was generated as a direct result of exposure to your campaigns. Let’s look at an example of how control groups can provide this information.
It’s the end of winter and you have several different offers in a few different campaigns. To check if your program is effective, you have defined a control group that includes 10% of your visitors. These visitors will not see any campaigns in your program.
After one week, you find the following results. There were 1,000 visitors to your site. Since you defined 10% as your control group, only 900 viewed the offer. The other 100 visitors did not.
Even without seeing the offer, 10% of the customers in the control group made a purchase anyway. On the average, they each spent $100. The expenditure of these customers represents the potential revenue generated by the entire target audience, had there not been any campaigns at all. In the absence of any campaign, therefore, we can extrapolate that the total revenue would have been:
1,000 customers x 10% conversion rate x $100 (AOV) = $10,000
Now let’s calculate what your actual revenue was; From the first group (viewed the offer) => 270 customers x $150 (AOV) = $40,500
From the Control Group => 10 customers x $100 (AOV) = $1,000
Total = 40,500+ $1,000 = $41,500
The difference between the actual revenue and the revenue without any campaigns is calculated as follows.
$41,500 - $10,000 = $31,000
In other words, your program generated an additional $31,000 in revenue for you.
The Account Level Dashboard
There are two Campaign Dashboards, one for the Account level and one for the Campaignlevel. Here we discuss the Account Level Dashboard.
Goals are categorized either as Business goals or Assisting goals.
- Business goals include “sell a product or service” and “generate leads”. These goals will be considered Conversions when they are reached.
- Assisting goals include “increase page views” and “other goals” and are considered Goal Reached when they are achieved. These are tracked and displayed only at the Campaign level (and not at the account level).
Engagements per Goal Type
This widget displays a per goal type breakdown of the total number of engagements according to goal type, including the number of interactive chats, the number of content clicks and total number of engagements (content clicks + interactive chats).
In other words, this widget displays how many of the engagements were categorized as related to campaigns that have a sales goal, how many to campaigns with “generate leads” as a goal, how many were meant to increase page views and finally, how many engagements belong to a campaign with any other type of goal. This total number is also displayed on the data bar as ENGAGEMENTS.
Goal Achieved per Goal Type
The number of goals that were achieved by visitors exposed to campaigns, per goal type. In this widget, the two types of goals are displayed; conversion goals (direct sales or leads goals) and other goals (assisting goals). Compare the number of goals that were achieved (for each goal type) to the number of engagements (per goal type). Information about the effectiveness of your engagements is reflected in this ratio, with higher ratios meaning more effective engagements.
Conversion Rates of the different channels;
- Chat conversion rate - conversion rate after interactive chat
- Content (VTC: view-through conversion rate) - conversion rate after content exposures
- Content (CTC: click-through conversion rate) - conversion rate after content clicks
- Control group - conversion rate of the control group
This widget compares the trend of conversion rates of chats, view-through conversion rates for content, and click-through conversion rates for content, over time. Here you can see which channel is giving you the best conversion rates. Use the most cost-effective channel in your campaigns, since costs of channels differ. Here you can also see the effectiveness of the channels used by comparing chat and content conversion rates to those of the control group.
Conversions after Chats
This widget displays the total number of conversion goals that were reached following interactive chats, over time. Each bar is also divided into the type of goal so you can monitor which goals are being reached following chats day-by-day.
Average Order Value (AOV)
Here you can compare the AOV of visitors who were exposed to campaigns to the AOV of those who were in the control group and thus not exposed to campaigns. If the AOV of exposed visitors is higher than that of the control group visitors, then your campaigns have had a positive effect on the AOV. This widget is displayed only if revenues are generated following exposure to the campaigns and only if a control group is defined at the account level.
Revenues after Chats
This widget displays the total number of revenues that were generated following interactive chats, over time. This widget will be displayed if revenues are generated following exposure to the campaigns.