In this article, you will learn how to escalate a conversation by creating a support case.
Note: This article explains how to do this in the Dynamics 365 Web Client. If you need to do this in the Unified Service Desk (USD), please see this article instead.
Does a visitor need more support than you can provide in a conversation? If so, you can create a support case on behalf of the visitor. To learn your organization's policy or guidance on when to do this, ask your supervisor.
How to Create a Case from a Conversation
When the conversation is open, click the Create New Case button at the bottom of the Agent Widget.
A new case will open in the main pane of Dynamics 365. It will automatically be linked to the conversation from which it originated. Fill in the appropriate details and then save the case.
Note: It is only possible for Agents with the Customer Service Representative or CSR Manager roles to create cases.
Details for supervisors and administrators
It's possible to set up auto-creation of cases, if you prefer. You can do this with the Automatic Association Tool. This requires Live Assist for Microsoft Dynamics 365 version 3.6.0 (April 2018 Release).