In this article, you will learn how to locate a contact record for a conversation.
Note: This article explains how to do this in the Dynamics 365 Web Client. If you need to do this in the Unified Service Desk (USD), please see this article instead.
When a conversation comes in, it is either authenticated or unauthenticated. The way to open the record depends on which type of conversation it is.
Authenticated Visitors
If the chat request is authenticated, then Live Assist for Dynamics 365 (LAD365) knows which contact record belongs to the visitor. Simply click on the name of the visitor at the top of the agent widget. The contact record will load in the Dynamics main panel.
Unauthenticated Visitors
If the conversation is unauthenticated, LAD365 does not know which contact to associate with the activity. It may show the visitors name as "Guest Visitor" in these cases. If, however, your organization gathers some details using a bot or a pre-chat survey, it may show the name. Either way, however, the conversation will not be linked to a contact record yet.
To open the conversation activity, use the open activity record button at the bottom of the agent widget. This will open the conversation activity in the Dynamics main panel. At this point, you can link it to an existing contact or create a new linked contact.