A number of actions can cause Live Assist for Microsoft Dynamics 365 (LAD365) to fail to install or to stop working after it is installed. To prevent problems, please try to avoid these actions.
If you are having issues, and have done something on this list, please contact Support unless another solution is listed. There are some steps they will need to take to resolve the issues; it is usually not possible to fix these issues on your own.
Similarly, if you need to reinstall Live Assist, contact support first. They will need to do some back-end work on your account before you reinstall.
Table of Contents
What to Avoid During Installation
Please follow the installation guide step by step to avoid any problems. Any of the following actions may cause issues.
- Using the Applications tab in the Dynamics 365 Administration Center to install LAD365. Instead, please follow the installation guide and install Live Assist from AppSource.
- Using the Dynamics 365 Administration Center solutions page to install LAD365. This only installs the underlying package and does not configure the system correctly.
- Solution: If you did this by mistake, (1) delete the solution from Dynamics 365 > Settings > Solutions page, and (2) contact support. Support will need to do some back-end work to correct the situation.
- Installing a second version of LAD365 from the Applications tab in the Dynamics 365 Administration Center.
- Sometimes a second version may appear in the Applications list—if so, ignore the Not Configured version.
- Sometimes a second version may appear in the Applications list—if so, ignore the Not Configured version.
- Having a custom email attachment file size. LAD365 needs the email attachment file size to be set to the default during the install. If you have previously reduced the file size, provisioning may fail.
- Solution: Before installing LAD365, set the file size to the default value of 5120. Then after the installation has completed, you can change the setting back to your custom setting. (See how to adjust the file size limit).
- Installing LAD365 into a Microsoft Dynamics 365 sandbox in Administration Mode. Sandbox instances are non-production instances of Dynamics 365. When you place a Sandbox instance in administration mode, only users with Dynamics 365 System Administrator or System Customizer security roles are able to sign in to that instance. This prevents the App User Account from synchronizing and administering the instance.
- Assuming that LAD365 will be installed in a new Dynamics 365 instance as part of a copy or clone from an existing Dynamics 365 instance. Even if the existing instance has LAD365 installed, you need to install it from scratch in the new instance. A clone or copy of a Dynamics 365 install will not copy Live Assist.
- Solution: To install LAD365 on the copied or cloned instance, (1) remove the LAD365 solution on it by going to Settings > Solutions and deleting the List Assist solution, and then (2) following our install guide.
Note: Removing LAD365 from a Dynamics 365 instance will also remove or delete all instances of LAD365 Entities such as Chat Activities, Survey Items, and so forth.
What to Avoid After Installation
Please be careful of the following actions. They can disrupt a working install of LAD365.
- Deleting or Removing any roles or permission from the App User Account (CafeXAppUser@cafex.com)
- Solution: Contact Support for help. You may need to reinstall LAD365.
- Recreating your Dynamics instance and then reinstalling LAD365.
- Contact Support before reinstalling LAD365, to help prepare the environment for your reinstall.
- Deleting the LAD365 solution. If this is done, you cannot reinstall without help from the support team. They will need to do some back-end work first.
- Solution: Contact the Support team.
- Restoring the Dynamics instance to a point before LAD365 was installed. If this is done, the support team will need to do some back-end work before you can reinstall LAD365.
- Solution: Contact the Support team.
- Resetting the Dynamics instance. If this is done, the support team will need to do some back-end work before you can reinstall LAD365.
- Solution: Contact the Support team.
- Renaming your organization after installing LAD365. LAD365 does not pick up the name change. It continues to use the original name within the Admin Portal.
- Changing your organization's URL. This requires that you reinstall LAD365. However, the support team will need to do some back-end work first.
- Solution: Contact the Support team.
- Promoting a sandbox environment that has LAD365 installed to production. This causes the URL and name of your organization to change causing the issues above.
Note: If your upgrade process changes the CRM Organization ID, name or URL it will break your existing LAD365 installation.
Other Actions to Avoid
- Please avoid creating or administrating user profiles in the Engagement Portal. If you do, users may see features they no longer have access to, resulting in authentication errors (401s). Adding another profile in the Engagement Portal breaks the one-to-one profile relationship between the Administration Portal and the Engagement Portal. This breaks user management.
- Alternative: Please use the Administration Portal to modify user roles.
- See the article Engagement Portal Profile Faults.