Does co-browse fail to load for you as an agent? This article will help you fix this error and get back to helping visitors with co-browse.
Error Description
This error appears when you as an agent use newer versions of Chrome and some other browsers. When you click to start a co-browse in an active chat, a blank window is shown with “Starting co-browse…” It does not move past this screen and co-browse does not start.
Error Source
Google has added a new feature to Chrome called “Third-party storage partitioning”. Starting with version 115 of Chrome, this new feature is enabled by default. This feature prevents co-browse from working properly.
Since Microsoft Edge and some other browsers are based on Chromium, newer versions can have the same problem.
Workaround (how to fix)
To fix the issue for now, disable this feature in the Chrome flags.
- Go to chrome://flags in your browser (this also works on Microsoft Edge in addition to Chrome)
- Find the setting for "Third-party Storage Partitioning" and set it to Disabled.
This is a temporary workaround. Our development team is working on a more permanent solution.
Technical Details
This feature of Chrome prevents the passing of data from an iframe out to another site. Live Assist for Dynamics 365 passes data between the iframe for the agent widget and the pop-out window for co-browse. Because that data is blocked by this feature, the agent cobrowse window does not have the information to join the visitor and will not load.
Going to chrome://flags you can find “Third-party Storage Partitioning”. Most users will have this on “default” - and Chrome is currently A/B testing it, so for some users, it will be enabled, and for others disabled if set in this “default” state.
This flag will, at some point, be removed, as Chrome has stated they intend to roll out this behavior as standard as soon as it is stable. Our development team is currently working solutions for co-browse.
Note: In the future, this will likely affect Voice and Video, as they Google has stated they intend to also block Broadcast events. We are also working on a solution for this.