Social Messaging extends the Live Assist Engagement platform into the world of social media making it easier to interact with customers on messaging and social channels through a single tool.
You can connect one or more social accounts to Social Messaging from the following platforms.
Customers can connect multiple accounts from the same channel type. For each new channel, conversations can take place both in public (on Twitter Tweets that mention the brand, and Facebook Page posts and comments), in private (Twitter direct messages and Facebook Messenger), or a mix of public and private messaging in the same conversation
- Messaging: Messaging must be enabled on your account. If this is not yet enabled for you, follow the steps outlined in the article Enabling Messaging to get started.
Considerations and limitations
- Currently supported sources: Twitter, Facebook, Instagram
- Once enabled on your Conversational Cloud account, the Social Messaging widget will appear for all Facebook and Twitter conversations - even if they originate from Facebook Messenger or Twitter direct messaging. This can be turned on or off from their respective pages in the Management Console.
- File sharing is not officially supported in Social Messaging public conversations.
Note: It is not recommended to use file sharing on Social conversations until officially supported.
Note: It is not recommended to use file sharing on Social conversations until officially supported.
- Rich Content is not officially supported in Social Messaging conversations. Rich content (e.g structured contents, cards, etc.) may not be presented correctly in the Agent Workspace.
Note: It is not recommended to use rich content on Social conversations until officially supported.
- Bots and Automatic messages are only supported in the private space and are not able to send public messages.
- Enable Social Messaging on your account - This feature requires enablement. Please contact your Account Director to enable the feature on your account.
- Configure connectors and social media accounts - Each social media platform has its own steps to complete that you can find by following these links.
To learn more about Social Messaging see: Social Messaging User Guide and Social Messaging 2.0 Configuration Guide.